Well I haven't been very good about posting pregnancy pictures on here, so here are a few.
28 Weeks
36 Weeks
And finally 40 Weeks!
I was going to try and not wear the same shirt in my pregnancy pictures, but at this point I only have a couple that fit me. And see those yoga pants I'm wearing in my 40 week picture? I've been wearing those every day for about 2 weeks, and not just when I get home from work. I wear those to work. And I don't even care. I will continue to wear them until I have this baby. My jeans still fit me, its just that these are so much more comfortable.
So today is my due date, I was really hoping to go this week sometime. Hopefully it will happen this weekend. If I don't go on my own then they will induce me next Thursday. I think I've been pretty lucky with this pregnancy. During my first trimester I didn't really start feeling the symptoms until about 8 weeks. and they went away at about 12. I just remember being REALLY tired, nauseous and had a lot of food aversions. I think the first trimester has definitely been the worst, just because no matter how much you sleep your just so dang tired! 2nd trimester was fantastic! this is really the only time I consistently was able to work out. i have to get up at about 5:30 am to work out before I go to work, so the times in my first and third trimester where I had the choice between working out and sleep, sleep always won. The only thing in my 2nd trimester that was bad was I think when my uterus was stretching, I had the worst cramps ever! Luckily it only lasted about a day, but they definitely kept me up all night. Third trimester hasn't really been bad until the last couple weeks, buts it good knowing its almost over. There have been a couple days where my whole body will hurt and I just feel terrible, but then the next day I'll feel completely fine. So I can't complain too much because I have had more good days then bad. Oh and insomnia! I don't know if this is a normal pregnancy symptom or what, but I was not expecting to get insomnia, it started in my 2nd trimester and its still happening. I will usually wake up at about 3 or 4 and then stay awake for about 2 hours and then finally go back to sleep. This is actually when I stopped going to the gym, I wasn't willing to wake up at 3am and stay awake for 2 hours and then go to the gym. Its weird because I'm not even uncomfortable at night, its actually when I'm the most comfortable.
Well, I'm so excited to for so many things! I'm excited to be a mommy! I'm excited that I'll be home all the time. My work is going to let me work part time from home (yay!) I'm so excited to be able to go grocery shopping in the middle of the week in the middle of the day! although I'm sure it will be more difficult with a baby. I currently go grocery shopping at 6 or 7 on Saturday morning. I find that it cuts my grocery time in half if I go before everyone else wakes up. I can't wait to have a really good workout again, even when I was working out while pregnant it wasn't the same. And I got a sweet jogging stroller. And I'm excited for the option to work out during the day if I ever want to. I kind of got used to waking up at 530 am every morning, and actually like it. I know a lot of people at the gym at that time and I like a lot of the classes so I still might go early. But it will be nice to have the option to go later in the morning. I can start taking Jack to the gym's child care with me at 6 weeks. I'm also excited for swimming lessons! for Jack! I found out you can do mommy and me swimming lessons when he turns 6 months old. I'm just so excited to be a stay at home mom! And its weird to think that any one of these days could be my last day that I don't have a kid.
Oh and for tomorrow I scheduled a conference call at work in the morning and a hair appointment in the afternoon. I kind of feel like making plans like this may ensure that I will go into labor. Well, we will see!